Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thoughts on Love...

So, in the relationship survey, I posed the statement "Love means never having to say you're sorry"- agree or disagree? I have gotten some great responses to just that question alone, and I thought I'd also post on here in case you just wanted to respond to that one and not do the survey or to respond to one of the following statements below. What do you think?

-There is someone out there for everyone. True? False? Are some people meant to be single?

-Each person has only one correct match, their soulmate. What do you think of soulmates? Are there multiple right people for each of us?

I'll tell you my opinion if you share yours! I'd love to hear it!:)

1 comment:

  1. I think there is someone out there for everyone. some however like being single more than with someone so single they choose to be. I also think there are multiple soulmates though some may be better than others.
