Thursday, August 30, 2012

Survey Says: Why Couples Fight

Unfortunately, arguments are a normal part of every relationship. I know that in my own marriage, Barrett and I don't always see eye-to-eye. It would be hard to put a finger on the topics that we argue about the most though, because though we do argue at times, it isn't all that often and is usually the result of one of us being in a poor mood and the other one just simply not being sensitive enough to it, so irritations can flare up. Here are some things that other readers said have been a problem in their relationships.

Question #5: What Things do You Argue About?

  • "Miscommunications mostly, then we struggle through it to make up."
  • "Money. And the attention he pays to other women."
  • "We don't really argue much."
  • "Parenting. How bad I spoil our son."
  • "My family."
  • "Her family."  (Made me giggle!)
  • "Finding a balance between him being social and me not so much."
  • "Religion."
  • "Money and where it goes. Who makes the mess and who cleans it."
  • "Money spent on his hobby as opposed to family things."
  • "The wrong tone of voice can set me off and feel like he is being critical. Though I think it sets him off too."
  • "Money, and how she isn't always right."
  • "Money, and him not apologizing." (these two were not from the same couple, lol!)
  • "Household jobs, spending habits and finances, parenting."
  • "Romance, our kids, oh....and money of course!"
  • "Time. We don't have enough time together."
  • "Him needing to get his head out of the clouds."
  • "Our kids."
  • "How often we can each get 'me' time without the baby."
  • "Silly things. We laugh about it later."
Money and children can be huge stressors in a marriage, and it is very important to share common grounds on these issues. Choose a time to sit down and make a plan you can both agree with when it comes to your finances or your parenting styles. Choose a time you are relaxed and not angry, and give each other both a turn to speak. Hopefully you can set up some sort of agreement, a contract even, so that you can begin to be on the same page.

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