Saturday, September 22, 2012

Confessions of a Distracted Mom

Okay, so here is my tell all on the things that moms (okay I) do sometimes when we are distracted when dealing with the kids. Maybe it should be like a what not to do list. So, we will pretend...the following are things I have never (wink, wink) done when wanting a few moments of peace or when I am totally, and I mean totally distracted.

  • Suck on a lollipop the whole way home? Sure...if it'll keep him quiet! ;)
  • Bubble bath in the middle of the day because sometimes, well sometimes Mommy just wants to waste time reading status updates on Facebook, and the kids like bubbles. Sue me.
  • Take them to the park with the awesome playground? Why yes, so I can read 1-2 more chapters of my book.
  • Nod and say "uh-huh" even when I have no idea what either one of them was just telling me. 
  • Tell them to get on tennies and go play outside with their brother where I can see them (AKA so I can cook dinner in peace)
  • Let them skip a bath, brushing teeth or putting PJs on because it's late, and they just need to be in bed.
  • Skipped words in  the story I've read 1,283 times...and then been caught! Hey, how about reading it to Mommy?
  • Bought an extra special drink (hot cocoa or a smoothie) along with my mocha at the coffee shop to avoid whining.
  • Said it was bedtime...before it really was.
  • Went to the bathroom, locked the door, and sat peacefully to read a magazine...not while on the toilet!
  • Forgotten to feed the guinea pig.
  • Pretended the soccer jerseys were freshly washed.
  • Given a child the lunch I packed myself, because I forgot their's!
I'd love to hear your confessions! Comment on this link or on the blog itself. Hopefully this gave you a good laugh. Even fantastic moms need a break sometimes. :)

For additional laughs, check out Mom Confessions .   These had me cracking up! Some are plain awful, and I am not condoning them (I have never smoked pot or sent my kids to school too sick to go)...but I was snort-laughing my butt off! Okay, so #'s 7, 15 and 17 are hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite Mommy confession of mine: when they are doing something unfavorable and I want them to stop I count to 3. They ALWAYS stop before I get to three, but truth is, neither of us is sure what will happen if I actually get to 3!!!
