Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Are You Vice Free?

Sometimes I look at myself and think, "you deserve a pat on the back." Why? Because I look at myself and think I've never done drugs, never smoked cigarettes (unless you count the handful of times in high school), and I've certainly never been into alcohol (don't like it very much, but I'll have the occasional glass of wine.). In our society today, those things alone seem like a small something to be proud of. If you are like me though, don't be too quick to be self-congratulatory, I'm sure you do have something that you really would have a hard time giving up. Theses things are your vices. Whether they are addictive or not, I would wager there are a small handful of things you have a very hard time staying away from, or could not (unless you tried REALLY hard) stay away from.

Here are mine:
-my husband!
-Diet Pepsi
-Alfredo Sauce
-paranormal or fantasy (especially young adult) books
- long, hot showers

What are your vices? Notice I didn't name my kids or college, though they are a huge part of my life- because both are things I require breaks from!:)

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