Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sunburned and Satisfied

Today I give my boys back to their dad again, but I am not too sad this time, because we have soccer camp all next week, he actually only gets them through Monday morning this time before we switch off again at the end of next week.  I am sad that I will miss Fourth of July, but Barrett and I have planned to go over to my grandfather's Beach-house in Lincoln city and enjoy the fireworks over on the coast (escaping the heat of the valley that has just come upon us). I feel like we've gotten to do lots of fun things, we are crossing off our summer bucket list every day it seems. We have gone camping, played in the ocean, barbecued hot-dogs, hamburgers, steak, and chicken. We have had s'mores. We have had fun playing in the sun and in the water at Nan and Pop's pool, and also in the river down by our house. We have camped with good family friends, and had our neighbor friends over to visit and play. We have gone to watch movies, read books, and snuggled together on the couch. Some things we still want to do include go to a drive-in movie, if we can find one around here, have a campfire, (there were no fire pits when we went camping this past time). We also want to watch a meteor shower in August if I have them for the right dates which I need to check.

Today as we wind down after basically playing since Thursday evening, I had the boys help me with some chores around the house. When Matthew started to complain I sat him down and explained to him that Barrett does chores, work, for eight hours a day every day of the week (except weekends) unless he has a day off. And then he also helps around the house in the morning and in the evening. And that mom does housework and makes meals and does homework, my job for now being a student, for the equivalent of 6+ hours a day. And that it doesn't hurt them to pitch in for 30 to 60 minutes of chores once a week. :-) I explained to Matthew that one of mom's jobs that isn't really seen is my job of household secretary. It is my job to make sure that the bills get paid, that we have the groceries on hand that we need for certain things, like soccer camp snacks and camping food. I keep track of birthdays and weddings and events to make sure that we get to them, and that we have the right things to wear and take.  I also keep track of doctors visits and dentist visits and any medications that are needed for anyone in the family, and make sure that we have those. His eyes were wide with all of the things that Barrett and I do each day to run a household. I explained this to both him and Isaiah, not because I want them to be in awe of what we do, but just so that they know what goes on behind the scenes so that they realize that part of being in a family is helping out to take care of the home. I explained to Matt that I even keep track of Cub Scouts things for Matthew to cross off and get signed in his Cub Scout book, things that we can do with the family such as visit the state capitol or attend a live concert. These are things we are also trying to work in over the summer. I think that the boys (at least temporarily) have a new understanding of why they have chores. 

Earlier today the boys planned and packed a picnic (almost totally on their own!), and we crossed that off Matt's Scout book. We ventured down to McKercher Park and swam in the icy river and ate our picnic lunch. Matthew even was taught how to jump off the high rocks into the deep pool of water below (a feat that made mom very nervous, but I was assured by some very nice locals how deep the pool was-and we all got in the water and waited). Matt had a blast! I am sure it counts as a rite of passage for this Oregon, country boy. I always have to remind myself that I grew up much differently! Isaiah is learning to swim slowly but surely, and we enjoyed our time in the water too.