Wednesday, May 14, 2014

10 Favorite things about Spring...

 Did you see the new look of my blog? Do you like it? I decided it was time for a change. I truly enjoy writing, and though I know life will only get busier come this fall, I can't just let my site die. So, I have been generating oodles of ideas to write about: fun posts, serious posts, lists, and opinions on things (my opinions but of course!). I hope that you will continue to check my blog from time to time when you decide to take a break from your busy life. 

Way back in the fall I had decided that I was going to try to do my favorite things for each month, but I have failed miserably. I guess life really does get busy at times!  Today I will pick my favorite things about Spring. I am a fall person myself, even though I know that summer is a favorite season to many.  There is actually some fun research on seasons. Spring came in 3rd as a favorite season, ahead of just winter. Summer of course took first, followed by fall.  Summer is the season that the most babies are born in (according to To get even more specific, August is the top month, which means the most popular month for conceiving is December (just had to add that in). Summer is also the second highest season for break-ups (the holiday season from Thanksgiving through Valentine's Day is the highest!), because many people view summer as a "playful season." Just reporting the facts. Spring has the illusion of being the most romantic season, as well as a time for new life. You can read what people really think of spring here: Is Spring Really the Romantic Season?

My 10 Favorite Things About Spring:

  • BBQ weather
  • pedicures
  • summery skirts and dresses
  • flip-flops or sandals
  • flowers blooming (especially cherry blossom trees!)
  • longer days
  • wind, rain, hail, sun, and rainbows in the same day (we get crazy weather in Oregon springtime!)
  • fresh fruit
  • the hope of summer
  • soccer season with my kids


  1. It's cool that you write! :) I love watching the bright green leaves unfolding, framing the open skies to green and shady. Love the blooming flowers that don't need watering. Love that my lawn and dandelions are still green and everything seems lush and full. Bird sounds enter the house with windows open and hang-out time with my kids seems nice. Rob and I can finally have morning coffee outside on the weekends. These are a few of my favorite things about Spring.

  2. I enjoy coffee outside too! On weekends...
