Here is my short rant on etiquette in the information age between friends and loved ones. If someone texts you, respond as soon as is appropriate for you. Do not wait until the person no longer wants to talk or thinks you are angry at them. If you are in the middle of a text conversation, do not leave people hanging. The information age has made communication easy, efficient and practically instantaneous. It is beyond rude for someone to send you a whole well thought out paragraph and you to respond with a smiley. Really? Don't overwork your thumbs or anything. Most people are aware (especially if they know you well) when you are more available than others. Oh? And if I send a text? Please don't respond with a phone call. I texted because I am somewhere where the conversation topic is more appropriate to be written and read versus said aloud ( like in line at a grocery store, out of good cell coverage range-my phone actually gets way better email and text coverage than phone coverage at my home, or I may not want children to overhear).
The same goes with email. If you have a smartphone, guess what? People are well aware of the fact that your email also shows up on your phone. And the uncanny thing is that you can respond from your phone. Again, respond in a timely fashion. Never claim technology naïveté when people know what your phone can do! :)
On Facebook, here are also a few things. If someone takes the time to actually try to be more personal with you by posting on your wall a short message, a response, even just a short one, is required. The fact that you had a post meant that someone cared enough to take the few minutes to do so. If someone tries to chat, respond. Or... Turn chat feature off. I often do this when I just want to waste a few minutes on Facebook but have no desire to chat with anyone. It's handy.
Lol.... I love you, dear ;)