Monday, October 29, 2012

Calling in the Troops

I like a clean house. I think I have established that in earlier posts. I also would not give up living in the country ever unless I absolutely had to after the past 7 years of country living, first in Lacomb, outside Lebanon and now just south of Brownsville. I love my deer that roam our 6.5 acres here, the wild turkeys I sometimes see, the quiet, and the fact that the stars show up so well out here without city life. Now, what does this have to do with a clean house? Being in the country also means a lot more mud, tall grasses and gravel tracked inside...and it means more bugs. Yes, bugs. I have been through some pretty gross insect problems, and actually most were in the city. Teeny tiny red ants invaded my apartment in California, and spiders my suburban backyard in Oregon. Now...we have a pest problem. It's like admitting I'm an alcoholic (only I'm not!)...Hi, my name is Sarah...and I have a bug problem. 

It began with swarms of yellow jackets this summer, building nests in the walls of the house (oh, yes!), and Barrett would set up his shop-vac and let it run all day at the entrance of their "home". We would look later, after he sprayed poison down the vacuum hose, and find the shop-vac almost halfway full of yellow jackets. Mind you, that's hundreds...maybe even thousands, it's not like they take up much room. We hung one of those trap things. It's full of yellow jackets. This was annoying, and gross, and Isaiah ended up stung 4 times this summer. But the major thing has been now that it's getting wet and cold, they are somehow making their way inside. I killed 6 yellow jackets in poor Isaiah's room this afternoon. I hunted them with my vacuum hose attachment! I killed 2 more in my bedroom downstairs. I am not amused. 

It does not end there though. We also (lucky us!!!) have a lady-bug problem. Yes, cute little ladybugs that I will never, ever think are cute again. Apparently they are really called Asian Lady Beetles, as they can come in red, orange, brown, yellow and even a lime green with or without spots. They look like ladybugs. I frankly don't care what they are called. They are invading my home. I used to have a student that was scared of ladybugs and we would all poke a bit of fun at her. This would be her worst nightmare. They come in seeking warmth, and they come in droves. My hand-held vacuum cleaner, and my hose attachment are the only match for them, and I have to vacuum a few times a day!!!  

I finally told Barrett, after returning home today to a door covered in lady-bugs and the 6 yellow jackets in my son's bedroom, this is enough! I know it's not because we are dirty, but it makes my skin crawl, and they are not welcome in my home. So, he called in the troops. Wednesday a pest company will come out and for a nice sum and quarterly contract...take care of the bugs. Fine. Sign me up.

1 comment:

  1. Enough is enough. Ugh.

    I'm glad the issue should start going away on Wednesday. :)
