The Wife Disease...Do You Too Suffer?
I have a disease that many wives have. I am told that even some single women suffer from this ailment, as well as the occasional man-though it does seem to effect women the most. I will admit it. I have self-diagnosed this condition, and we shall call it cleanusitis. Women (and that minority of men) that suffer from cleanusitis need to have order and cleanliness in their homes.This is not a want. This is not simply saying, "I like a clean house." This is the ailment that has caused women all over the world, even when they are sicker than dogs with whatever biological impediment their little germ carriers (aka children) have brought home, to need to clean the house. There was a time that I was even up all night puking, and I believe I vacuumed and mopped (of course!) the very next morning. I am sick now, as I write this, but I have vacuumed the downstairs, washed all the bedding and put said bed back together, cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed all the dead bugs (we are currently having a lady-bug infestation apparently) out of all the windowsills, lugged the vacuum up the stairs and vacuumed them, and windexed the windows. And if you are thinking that I must not really be sick then, I've got news for you. Fever and chills last night, body aches, third day of so sore I can't yawn or swallow throat, and nasal drippage going on here. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have a fantastic doozy of a cold or flu. So, why did I do housework? Because it's this simple: I cannot relax in a messy home. I cannot spend hours reading a book (though the thought is appealing) or watching a movie until I feel like I am not living in squalor.
Now, I'm sure my standards are much higher than some (I've been in a few homes that make mine look princely even on a bad day!), and lower than others (those with chronic cleanusitis). I am a surface cleaner, which means my counters, tabletops, floors and sinks must look clean. The closet or cabinets? They have doors. They close. My bed must be made, the pillows just so on the couch, and even the artwork on the fridge in a neat array. I hate to dust (yeah, yeah it's a surface), so it's Isaiah's chore...hey, my boys know how to help mom clean up. I hate laundry with a passion (can't I just set it and forget it?), but I will do it, and toilets are nasty. Normally Barrett helps with my hated chores. The problem is that no matter how much help you forcefully employ (family), it still only meets my standards when I do it or boss the bejeezus out of my sweet hubby and kiddos. They just don't see the mess, or so I am told. I do. My home is my haven, and in order to rest, I need it clean. Ever seen Monica on Friends? Yeah...I'm not that extreme, but I do have some similar habits. :)
Do you too suffer from cleanusitis?
Check out: How To Get Your Husband to Help Around the House and 43 Chores Young Children Can Do
Don't believe there's still a gender issue is many homes? Check out: Division of Household Labor
When I decided the house 'could wait' was when I was working two jobs (medical transcribing at home and at the radio station) w/ three children. I was becoming a total B*TCH (from the stress), trying to "do it all" so I consciously decided that the house WOULD wait. I also became less anal on how the towels were folded and, somewhat, on how the dishwasher was loaded. When I released the need to "have it done my way," I released some of the stress.
ReplyDeleteIs it ever still a problem? Of course! :-)
That's funny that my least favorite job is the same as yours-dusting.
Aunt Susie