Wrinkles never looked so good! |
It isn't just women, though we may have the market on this, but people in general have these hang-ups that other people don't even see when they look at them. We try so hard to be perfect, don't we? I know I do. I know that we all have our things, so I will tell on myself. I never leave without make-up on, though I will go make-up free completely in front of Barrett and my boys (I guess that right there tells you it is a vulnerability thing). I never lack fingernail or toenail polish (though sometimes I do clear on my fingernails). I lotion up my skin everyday, but I don't always brush my teeth or remove my eye-makeup before bed (though I am trying to do better, and even to floss more!). I hate exercise, but I need to do it, because apparently my body insists on betraying me and aging, and my metabolism slowing. Oh, and I love food, especially the bad stuff like cinnamon rolls, Chinese food, and bacon, and cheese. But I digress.
Last week I was so down. I was expecting to hear about the job, and heard nothing. Other than running the boys around, I hardly moved off the couch. I finished two books and watched five movies, oh, and made cookies. Yeah. There was a whole lot of negative self talk going on there. I didn't do a single thing to clean my house until the 4th day of this. You want to lower your self-esteem? Go through the self-selling involved with job hunting, knowing that you brought it on yourself. Try to accurately convey just enough confidence mixed with humility to be likable, yet hire-able in an interview. Fun stuff. Then, Friday came, and I just kind of snapped out of it. No, there is no job, but I have the semblance of a plan. I started out saying this was in God's hands, and it is. No lack of patience on my part makes that any less true. I know that I can be a great teacher, and no-one can take that away, even if they don't hire me. I know there are plans for me, and they are great plans dang it. Whether I am a teacher, a counselor, or a Licensed Kitten Masseuse (I made that one up), God has plans for me. The negative self talk gets me nowhere, and I am meant to go somewhere.
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