Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Snippets From My Saga: Part 6

We married after just under two years of dating, becoming engaged at just six months into our relationship. We were young, a junior and a senior in high school, and many people warned we were way too young to be married. It was not a romantic proposal, but a good story nonetheless. As we chatted on the phone endlessly one night, he asked, “What would you say if I asked you to marry me?” I challenged, “Are you asking?” Him: “yes.”  Me: “yes.”  I knew I was young, but I was head-over-heels in love and had always wanted to attend college as a young, married woman, not alone. I am not sure why that was in my fantasy. The wedding planning began, and one month after I graduated, and one year and one month after he did, we were wed.
Even now, since I am finally past most of the bitterness and pain, I can see his smile during some of those better times. I can see my Boxer puppy, Rusty, and how I adored that dog and he didn’t, but he thought it was cute the way I babied him. I can see the excitement of having our first home built, choosing all the flooring and colors. We drove by that house every day to watch the progress! The first time it snowed since we had moved to Oregon, he was as excited as a small child, and we grinned as we looked at our home, our cars, and our dogs in the fluffy snow, taking tons of pictures.

It was he who told me I was pregnant with our first child. We had been trying for just a month, and when I had peed on the stick I was way too nervous to look. He went into the bathroom, bringing the evidence of a pink plus sign out for me, wrapping me in his arms and swinging me around. He surprised me by painting our bedroom while I was pregnant the color I had chosen and was planning to paint, telling me I was not to touch it; I was “with child”! He held my hand during an emergency C-section, and hardly left my side when our first child was born, having to spend nine long days in the NICU. 2 ½ years later I would tell him I was expecting again, with a hand-made card “drawn” by our son, letting him know he was soon to be a big brother. 

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