Monday, August 27, 2012

Survey Says: What Your Person Does to Make You Feel Loved

Surveys are in, and I am happy that I had male and female responses, and that so many people were willing to share the details of their marriages with me. It was fun to read the responses, nod in agreement or be pleased that I disagreed. Reading about what works in other marriages can be really eye-opening, and I think we all need that from time to time. For the next week or so I will be going over each survey question and the responses that came in (don't worry, no names are attached!), as well as answering them myself. I don't care if you know about my marriage, though we can both tend to be shy, Barrett and I are both very open people.

The first question was: What is one thing your spouse or significant other could do today to make you feel more loved?

The first thing that pops into my head is that my husband makes me coffee and breakfast every morning before he goes off to work (he also feeds the boys). I love and appreciate this gesture. I simply won't take the time to make a decent breakfast for myself. He also communicates with me throughout the day by texting, emailing and/or calling me during his lunch. He reads to me. He encourages me to exercise and does it with me when he can. He tells me I'm beautiful and loved. There are many more reasons, but those are the everyday ones I think about. Many people told me what their loved one does on a daily basis, and some told me what their spouse could do better, and I love the responses.

  • "He compliments me on my hard work."
  • "She says she loves me and that I look handsome."
  • "He tells me and hugs and kisses me. Everyday."
  • "He brings me home a little something-like flowers or a card."
  • "We have some uninterrupted conversation."
  • "Brags about me to others."
  • "I leave my wife love notes on the bathroom mirror...I wish she'd do that for me sometime."
  • "He values my opinion."
  • "I just love a bit of time and undivided attention."
  • "It's important to me when we do something that he isn't that into, but that I am."
  • "Eye contact during a conversation!"
  • "He fills my car with gas when it is low, stops by the store anytime for something we need, and cooks when he is home so that I don't have to."
  • "Watches the kids so I can relax."
  • "I need him to remain calm when we disagree."
  • "She hugs me."
I thought these were all great responses! Perhaps there is one that you could do to make your person feel more loved today. :)

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