There is this person inside me that comes out every so often (maybe you have one too?). I call her Restless. Restless got me in trouble as a kid sometimes...heck she does as an adult too. I can only assume that she rears her head when somewhere deep in the tangles of my subconscious I must feel bored. This is not usually an outside feeling that I am aware of. The day is going as planned, as it should, and everything is normal. Restless is the voice that chides me while I am on my daily 45 minute commute to OSU-"keep driving." She says, "You don't want to go sit in lecture for two hours today! You REALLY want to go to the coast." While Restless may be brilliant, she usually gets ignored. I often wonder if it is her pure intention just to drive me off course (no pun intended)? On her bad days Restless has been known to stir up contention in otherwise happy situations. It's her voice that whines, "I can't believe I texted you an hour ago and you are just now responding!" She is the one that decides the already clean house is not perfect, so it must be cleaned again! Restless is contrary, and she is not a fan of logic. She rarely likes your ideas, but it's nothing personal.
I don't really know how to exactly describe the feeling of restlessness. I am not sure what always provokes it, but I do know that when Restless visits, she wants OUT. She feels boxed in with routine and responsibility.
I am beginning to think that Restless is necessary for happiness though. She's not all bad. She has lots of cool ideas. Dessert for dinner? Absolutely. Swimming after dark? Sure. Why, it was her that wanted to swim in the roped off section of the pool and explore the "abandoned" tower of the resort when in Maui. It's her that flops down in the snow and makes snow angels, dyes food various colors with food coloring, and sees the possibility in unique paint and decorating schemes. She will make yo laugh when she says the most random things, and maybe take you outside your comfort zone. She is anything but boring or routine.
So, if you have a Restless like I do, don' t ignore her all the time. She may not be reasonable, but she is impulsive and fun. Let her out at least a few times a week so that your Restless doesn't become Reckless when she rears her head! :)
Oh, Restless and I are such old friends... sometimes I want to strangle her, and sometimes she really does make it fun and interesting. ;)
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I love her almost as much as I love you. ;)