Monday, July 23, 2012

Today's lesson... Hey, look squirrel!

Often I would joke with my older students that I had adult ADD. While this is true for some (and I am not making fun), I have really never been tested or even spoken to a doctor about it. I do know that while stability in some areas of my life is a must- can we say relationships and family- in other areas stability is synonymous with staleness.

There is something so refreshing about starting over. In a new beginning I can be whoever I want to be. An old friend of mine used to tease me that I had so much trouble picking a career path. It is actually not me joking when I say I changed majors at least fifteen times. It's truth, and honestly, probably a gross understatement! Her theory was that I had married young, and I needed something left to decide. Honestly though, time has shown me that the need for change is a fundamental part of my personality.

While I was teaching, some students loved the fact that I could get off topic very easily- though I am sure it annoyed others! In my four years teaching, I taught mostly different things every year, but in the times that there was overlap I'd think "oh, the atomic theory... I have to talk about this AGAIN?" Now mind you it was likely an entire year earlier that I'd taught it, but I thought "been there, taught that!" I will never forget my mentor teacher my first year teaching. As I started to compile things she would reassure me: "don't worry, after a few years you'll have all your units down and just have to pull each file to have plans ready!" While this was like manna from heaven for her personality, all I could think was, "eww! Why would I want to do that?" Teaching was considered fun for me when I had to learn something new, or some new teaching strategy then find an interesting way to impart the knowledge I'd learned. While it became easier by my fourth year (which could not have been more different than my first), I was starting to get restless.

Let's clarify about the changing major phenomenon that was my essence in early college: it wasn't that I wasn't interested in anything; I was interested in just about everything! But then I'd commit, realize how limiting the choice was and resume soul searching all over again. If you are not like I am, celebrate the fact that you are solid, dependable and probably very organized and efficient. Where you are is probably right where you want to be.

On the other hand, if you are like me, don't let it be a hinderance. Embrace the fact that so many experiences are out there for your taking, and if you have no idea where you want to be in ten years, that's okay. Life happens while you're making plans! It took me until age 30 to embrace this.

While I want to go home to the same man each night and have routine with my sons, other things are totally up for grabs. My hair? Well, yes it was shocking red earlier this year, then dark auburn, and yes there is dye currently in my car for a light, caramel brown. It was short for awhile, now I'm growing it out. I hate white walls and live to decorate! I like to eat different things on a regular basis (how's that irony?) and vacation in places I've never been. I read three or four books at a time and sometimes never finish. I like these changes. As far as career paths go, I now know that I need to pick something that changes often. This is why Barrett tells me I should be an ER nurse, so that I am never ( or rarely) bored!

Time to embrace the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Your ADD always keeps things interesting, except when it comes time to pick where we're going camping.... ;) Seriously, I'm proud of you, and I'll back you all the way.

    Speaking of ADD, how are you posting from "Corvallis Corvallis"? :P
