Five years ago today, I was not in Mexico (as I am while I write), but was in an operating room, having my little Isaiah. Happy birthday to my sweet little boy, my baby, who is now a big five year-old! Isaiah was an "easy" baby, content to play happily on a blanket, sleeping through the night after about 4 1/2 months, and he was a chubby little critter. Though an easy infant, Isaiah has been the tougher of my two boys on just about everything else. Things that worked like clockwork with Matthew (potty-training, sleeping in a big kid bed) were a bit more challenging with Isaiah. He has been petulant, adventurous, and definitely more thrill/pleasure seeking than his big brother. Five years ago I was in an unhappy marriage, and beginning a new career. I loved Isaiah and Matthew both, but was an overwhelmed, tired shadow of a mom. Today, I can give my sons a stable home, a (currently anyway) stay-at-home mommy that dotes on them, energy, time and a gift to my children as well-my happiness. The past four months that I have gotten to stay home with my little one have been an eye-opener. Staying home and being at the whim of a four-year old can be exhausting work! But we have explored our property, adventured down by the river, checked out dozens upon dozens of books at the local library, and built forts, Lincoln Log cabins, and block towers galore. I have flown remote-controlled helicopters, released live butterflies, and cut sandwiches into the shape of hearts. I have grown closer to my more "difficult" child. I always thought that in my head. You see, Matt is like me, and he aims to please, tries really hard, and rarely gets in trouble ( me as a little kid, not as a teenage girl!!). Isaiah though, Zay as we call him, wants to know why for everything. He is not afraid to be himself at anytime, because he knows that he is fabulous. Today, as we called from Cozumel to wish him a happy birthday, he happily asked if he could talk to Max. Max is our dog...and is most definitely not with us here! It was a typical Isaiah moment, "Just smile and wave and wave!" When asked why he has broken a rule, more often than not I will get the honest answer..."because it was fun, Mama." Oh, Isaiah James, we love you so! I am sad and pleased at the same time to know you are growing, and there will be many more milestones to go. Happy birthday to my big five-year old. We can't wait to see you again for your party when we return. :)
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