One thing I have been doing recently that I found helps me a lot, is to simply think of (and to make time for) something that makes me happy. Obviously, not all of the things on my list can be controlled, but sometimes even thinking of them is a quick mood lifter. Try it yourself. Below are 15 of my happiness boosters. Obviously, they are tailored to me, which is why I encourage you to think about what would be on your list.
- Snuggling with our dog, Max, or kitty, Clarissa. I've said it before, and will say it again, petting animals has a positive physiological effect on people. Stress hormones, blood pressure, and even cholesterol levels are lowered and serotonin (a happiness hormone) is elevated. If you want more information, read here: 27 Ways Pets Improve Your Health.
- Hearing a frog croak, glimpsing a deer or wild turkey, watching leaves fall, or being in the rain, wind or snow. Nature is good for us.
- Snuggling with and laughing with my kids, whether it is to watch a cartoon, read a book or tickle each other.
- My husband's presence. I am happy every time he walks in the door.
- A hot, bubble bath.
- Really good coffee, tea, or (sometimes) wine. Combined with #5, #7 & #8, amazing.
- Candles burning.
- Beautiful music. Throw back to my Nan, (my grandmother from my mom's side), who passed when Matthew was just a baby-she loved Yanni and the beautiful piano pieces. Secret? I do too, I even have a Pandora station for him, and the songs remind me of being at her house as a kid.
- Baking cookies (and sampling the dough of course!).
- An amazing compliment from my husband or kids. I love being told by my boys that I am pretty, and by my husband that I am smart.
- The release of an anticipated book or movie.
- A sappy, romantic comedy.
- A text or email from a friend out of the blue, asking about my day.
- A clean home (LOVE it when it is freshly vacuumed, swept and mopped), especially if I am not the one who had to do it..., but even when I am.
- 1-2 hours of time all to myself.
Next time you are having a rough day, make a list of 5-15 things that make you instantly happier, and if time, do one of them!
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