Talk to most anyone, and you will get this idea that they are in some form of waiting. They are waiting for something. They are waiting for a new job, a raise, to finish school, a bigger home, more vacation time, the list goes on and on.
The Waiting Place…
…for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come,
or a plane to go or the mail to come,
or the rain to go or the phone to ring,
or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or a No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite
Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around forFriday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a sting of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.
I love that quote! I am a huge Dr. Seuss fan anyhow, but the man was a genius! Combine that quote with the intro scene of Whoville in How the Grinch Stole Christmas movie, you know where everyone is spending like crazy to get ready for Christmas?- and there you have it-the way many Americans live their lives. We get SO hung up on how things could be, that we forget to enjoy how things ARE. We rush ahead to the next goal, and we constantly want more.I am not trying to condemn here, I am admitting my own guilt in this all too common arena.
Everyone is just waiting.
-Dr. Seuss-Oh! The Places You'll Go
In my first marriage, this was the way that life was. We were waiting to each have our degrees, to buy a home, to start on our career paths, to have babies...I'm not even sure exactly WHAT we were waiting for! Life felt like it was in a constant state of wait. But when you are always looking forward, you don't notice what you already have. I was SO busy (or so I thought) when both my sons were infants, and I guess in many ways I LET myself be too busy. I worked full-time and attended grad. school. Why? Why was I in such a hurry? I was in a hurry to finish, to attain more, to be done...that I now regret not just enjoying that time more. Have you been in this situation too? Do I speak to your heart today? When is enough, enough?
From the outside in, for years I am sure that my life and even my marriage back then, LOOKED good. It may have looked like I was doing it all. Again, I'll ask-for what? What was the hurry? What was the driving force? Did we really NEED a bigger house, a nicer truck, an ATV, a camper, etc? Oh, because of all this I also played the debt game that many Americans play, the I want it now syndrome, instead of the I'll work hard for that sentiment of the past. All the stuff? It didn't buy happiness. There is nothing wrong with having these things (I am not saying not to), in fact, I want an RV, and a boat, and a hot tub, BUT the problem is when the THINGS in your life become a priority. THINGS should never trump PEOPLE. Ever.
This morning these things have been heavy on my mind. Sometimes I feel like I am in The Waiting Place right now. Sometimes I feel guilt over my parenting time and effort when I had babies and want another one...a redemption of sorts, a do-over to do it right this time. Does that sound awful? It feels awful thinking that way, and I have to remind myself to look at my life and truly think about things. I am a great mom now (most of the time). I homeschool Isaiah for preschool, and we do arts and crafts, science lessons, read tons of books, and snuggle lots. We even have 5 live caterpillars in our bathroom right now, as we "grow" butterflies. I keep the house clean, I cook almost every night (Barrett does a few times a week!), and I help at Matt's school when I can for special events, and attend all of his school functions. My boys play soccer (and baseball for Matt), take swimming lessons, and seem to be pretty happy, well-adjusted kids. My wonderful husband pays our monthly bills, provides us health insurance, and goes to work each and everyday to keep us cared for. We go on small trips when we can, do home improvements, and plan a big (just the two of us) trip each year. I am not uneducated, and I am qualified to work, but I CHOOSE to stay home right now, and I choose to go to graduate school (again) in the Fall, not because I NEED more, but because I am finally at a place where I know who I am, and I can BE more to help others.
Life is good. I say all this to not only remind myself, but to encourage YOU as well to count your blessings. If you constantly feel like you are waiting for something, remember that you are MISSING things that are happening each day around you. Remember that God has given you ENOUGH already. Maybe focus on improving what you already have, taking care of the thinngs that are already blessings, and reaching out to serve others in your community. And ask yourself: When is it enough? I bet you will find that IT ALREADY IS
PS: If you scrolled this far down ( I am hoping you did!), I have a request. Post on this link 1-2 things that you are thankful for RIGHT now, or 1 thing that you are doing to care for what you already have or for others. Let today's FaceBook posts be full of gratitude. Let your life be enough. :)
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