It is one of those blessed lazy days that strike every once in a blue moon when there is nothing, and I mean nothing on the calendar. I slept until after 8 AM (this doesn't happen often), and proceeded to have coffee and read until finally showering around 10:45, and slipping into comfy leggings and a long sweater. The outfit is not quite enough to wear outside the home (despite flocks of women that seem to wear tights as pants and then wander public places together in groups...), but it is comfy and cute and definitely okay to wear with just myself, my husband, a dog and a cat present.
Last night as Barrett and I sighed in relief after dropping the kids off with their dad then going out together, we realized the glorious news that we had an entire weekend with nothing at all planned. After the hustle and bustle of Christmas, out-of-state visitors, etc, etc, etc, we had had things planned every day for what must have been at least the past 3 weeks or so. "It almost gives you a feeling of panic, like there must be something you are forgetting about," Barrett said. I'm almost sure we haven't forgotten anything. :)
I am lapping up all the laziness and snuggles, and comfort this weekend has to offer. I almost feel like it is the calm before the storm, the lull before the busyness begins again, as it no doubt will next week as I am home with the kids, and have my 32nd birthday, and have a car once again in the shop (sigh-my orange beauty is showing her years). I wait to hear about one possibility of a job that I could maybe love (maybe?) or to plan for CNA 2 and nursing school admissions and the hopes that hang on those. Barrett loses his work-at-home day for at least the next 3 months as he fills yet another role in his company (GRRRRRRR!!! Is all I have to say to that, as his once flexible job becomes anything but for hopefully just a short while), and I know the kids will bring busyness galore with whatever random school and scouts adventures happen to come up.
So here's to the break. I hope that you too can be blessed soon with a day where nothing is planned.
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