It is approaching that time. After today, I have just 2 more days with students. When I took this job in January, I was counting the days then. It wasn't a job I really desired, and it was something to work at while I waited to hear about nursing school. When we hit 40 days in my classroom, we started the countdown to summer. Amazingly, even though I have certainly had my share of days here that felt like they'd last forever, it seems like just yesterday. It has been a good assignment. My eyes have been opened to what it is like for kids on the other end of the spectrum, so to speak. I have worked with teens in such heart-breaking situations, I have gone home and cried on more than one occasion. I have wanted to take more than one of them home with me and offer them a better chance. I have dealt with probation officers, therapists, social workers, and drug and alcohol counselors. I have had students on behavior plans for anger issues, aggression and even harassment. There have been tears, hurt, and disappointment in here. But there have also been high fives, hugs, shared meals and accomplishment. I told Barrett there was no way in heck that I would shed a tear when I turned in my keys next week to my dungeon, Room 5. Pretty sure I lied.
And sometimes you have to let go, because we can't be and do everything. I will always be a teacher, always keep up my license, but I am moving on now. Life is like that. This Saturday I will walk into East Linn with my head held high to watch some of my favorite students ever graduate. It is a good way to wrap things up, I think. Did you know that I held on to my letter to accept or reject a spot in OHSU for TWO months? Even after I knew I was going to attend Lane, I kept waiting to send in my rejection. It's like I wanted that option too. When I finally put it in the mail this week, it made me think of the goals that I have felt like I had to let go of in my life. I wrote them down. Since I am a very dramatic person (!), I wanted to float my old goals down the river, or watch them burn. But instead, I share them with you and I realize they have not gone away, only been edited, because that is part of the entire point of life I think. Learn, grow, change, repeat.
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