Friday, February 15, 2013

Are You a Mom in a Rut?

As I was drinking my coffee this morning and skimming some of the great pins I had found on Pinterest, I felt so incredibly blessed to be where I am in my life right now. I have not always been a great mom to my sons. I have had many times where I was so preoccupied with work, school and my own relationships (both old and new), that sadly the boys were often an afterthought. Oh, I went through the motions, but they know when your focus is not on them. Not that I am fantastic now,  because I have also had my tough days home where I questioned my own self worth for not being at a job, or feelings of boredom or sadness have rained on the day. What is it about that debate over working moms and stay-home moms. Are they not both trying their hardest to be mothers? Why is it that women break each other down instead of building one another up? I can honestly say now after being in both situations, that being a good mom can happen in either circumstance, and that no one should feel guilty for their situation as long as they are giving their kids as much as they can of themselves. 

Are you a stay-at-home mom who has found yourself in a rut? My heart goes out to you this morning. Though I have only been doing this for almost three months now, and my own schedule can get crazy with whether I sub or not, I do have some words of advice that I hope you will take to heart.

  • This is only a season. Maybe your child/children have some annoying habits right now. That WILL change eventually. Meet them where they are, correct lovingly, and focus on what they do right.
  • Have fun. Make messes, try new foods, get out of your comfort zone. You only live once, right? As my mom says..."Hands are washable." (love you Mom!)
  • Get a project (or 5). Have a few fun things that you and your kids work on together, like a garden, a scrapbook, a science project that is ongoing (I just got one of those grow your own butterfly kits to do with boys!).
  • Leave the house. Seriously!!! This can make all the difference in the world. Go to the park, the library, go on a walk, play fetch with your dog. Fresh air and a change of scenery puts life in perspective.
  • Be thankful. Many moms would give anything to be home full-time. It is not a curse, but a blessing that  your life circumstances allow you to be where you are. 
  • Start some traditions. If you are a believer, read devotions each morning. Light candles at dinner, make a bubble bath for your kid when they are having a rough day-all these little things are BIG for routine, stability and happiness in the home.
  • Work together. Teach your children that the home is a place where everyone contributes. Put on music and assign chores to each person to get done in 30 minutes. 
  • Find some great ideas on Pinterest for crafts and activities...only here's the thing...don't just pin for later...actually make time, make a plan and try the things that look so cool!
  • Call a friend. Make a play-date. Talk to another adult. 
  • Tell your kids you love them. Often. Always, even when they irritate you! :)

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