Last week my tumble down the stairs did quite the number on me. After a week of pain (I know, I know), I finally went and saw my doctor (actually I see a nurse practicioner, but she was out so I saw the doctor). He made me do strength and balance tests to make sure my nerve and muscle functions were still intact (they are thankfully!), and I had four x-rays. One of the only ways to pinpoint the pain and manipulate the coccyx (or tailbone), is a rectal exam. Yeah. This was not a fun day. At all. The x-rays were indeterminate, and I was told to expect a call the next day. Yesterday the doctor called to tell me that yes, they are almost positive that I fractured my coccyx. the boys like to tell me, I broke my bum!
Now, I have heard all kinds of happy (not) stories of people in pain for years...yes, years with these types of injuries. The doctor says 1-2 months of pain, and here is a pain prescription. Yay. I could tell he felt bad for A) totally invading my privacy (but it wasn't like he wanted to!), and B) Having to give me the great news of "there isn't really much that can fix this but time." So now, I am just supposed to avoid things that hurt. Ummm...okay. Do you have any idea how many muscles and ligaments attach here? I have included an illustration below (sorry, I LOVE anatomy!).
Things like sitting, rolling over in bed, raising my legs too high, coughing, and sneezing (yeah that one KILLS) hurt. So, if you have ever experienced this injury, I am sorry. It is not fun. And if you haven't but are curious, you can read about it here:
Tailbone Injury
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